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Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics George W. Hanson, Prentice-Hall, 2008. Errors/corrections |
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Operator Theory for Electromagnetics-An Introduction George W. Hanson and Alexander B. Yakovlev, Springer, 2002. |
A. Nemilentsau, T. Low, and G.W. Hanson (2019), Chiral and Hyperbolic Plasmons in Novel 2D materials, in Carbon-Based Nanoelectromagnetics, Elseiver, Editors: A. Maffucci, S. Maksimenko, Y. Svirko.
G.W. Hanson, S.A.H. Gangaraj, and A.M. Nemilentsau (2017), Unidirectional, defect-immune and topologically protected electromagnetic surface waves, in The World of Applied Electromagnetics: In Appreciation of Magdy Fahmy Iskander, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Cynthia M. Furse (Editors), Springer Verlag.
A. B. Yakovlev, O. Luukkonen, C. R. Simovski, S. A. Tretyakov, S. Paulotto, P. Baccarelli, and G. W. Hanson (2008), Analytical Modeling of Surface Waves on High Impedance Surfaces, in S. Zouhdi, A. Sihvola, A. Vinogradov (editors), Springer NATO Science Series.
A.B. Yakovlev, Y.R. Padooru, G.W. Hanson, and C.S. R. Kaipa (2012), Multilayered Wire Media: Generalized Additional Boundary Conditions and Applications, InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-1140-5.
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G.W. Hanson, H. Xin, W. Chew, N. Engheta, C. Fumeaux, and S.C. Hagness, The Role of Commercial Simulators and Multidisciplinary Training in Graduate-Level Electromagnetics Education, IEEE Ant. Prop. Magazine [Education Corner] v. 59, pp. 127-130, 2017.
G.W. Hanson, S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, A. Nemilentsau, Notes on photonic topological insulators and scattering-protected edge states - a brief introduction, arXiv:1602.02425 , 2016.
H.K. Kim, G.W. Hanson, and D.A. Geller, Are Gold Clusters in RF Fields Hot or Not?, Science 340 , 441, 2013 (invited Perspective).
S.P. Apell, G.W. Hanson and C. Hägglund, High optical absorption in graphene, arXiv 1201.3071, Jan. 17, 2012.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, G.W. Hanson, and F. Monticone, Dynamical Casimir Effects: The Need for Nonlocality in Time-Varying Dispersive Nanophotonics, Phys. Rev. A 110, LO41502, 2024.
S. Vlasenko, A. Mikhalychev, S. Pakniyat, G.W. Hanson, A. Boag, G. Slepyan and D. Mogilevtsev, Classical emulation of bright quantum states, Advanced Quantum Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/qute.202300060, June 2023.
J. A. Berres, S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, and G. W. Hanson, Quantum entanglement mediated by DC current induced nonreciprocal graphene plasmonics, Optics Express 31, 2710, 2023.
S. Pakniyat, A. H. Holmes, and G. W. Hanson, Unidirectional Curved Surface Plasmon Polariton in a Radially Magnetized System, IEEE Trans. Antennas. Prop. 70, 10641, 2022.
S. Poddar, A. M. Holmes, and G. W. Hanson, Design and Analysis of an Electronically Tunable Magnet-Free Non-Reciprocal Metamaterial, IEEE Trans. Antennas. Prop. 70, 7311, Aug. 2022.
S. Poddar, A. M. Holmes, and G. W. Hanson, Automatic Measurement Technique of Electromagnetic Rotation in a Nonreciprocal Medium, IEEE Trans. Inst. Meas. 71, 8006207, 2022.
H. Hajian, I.D. Rukhlenko, G. W. Hanson, and and E. Ozbay Anisotropic absorber and tunable source of MIR radiation based on a BP-SiC metasurface, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 50, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.photonics.2022.101020.
M. Sabbaghi, J. Zhang, and G. W. Hanson, Machine Learning Target Count Prediction in Electromagnetics using Neural Networks, IEEE Trans. Antennas. Prop. 70, 6171, 2022.
M. Sabbaghi, T. Stauber, H-W Lee, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, and G. W. Hanson, In-plane optical phonon modes of current-carrying graphene, Phys. Rev. B 105, 235405, 2022.
H. Hajian, I.D. Rukhlenko, V. Erçağlar, G. W. Hanson, and E. Ozbay, Epsilon-near-zero enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer in BP/hBN and BP/α-MoO3 parallel-plate structures, Applied Physics Letters 120, 112205, 2022.
S. Pakniyat, S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, and G. W. Hanson, Chern invariants of topological continua: A self-consistent nonlocal hydrodynamic model, Phys. Rev. B 105, 035310, 2022.
A. M. Holmes, M. Sabbaghi, and G. W. Hanson, Experimental Realization of Topologically Protected Surface Magnon Polaritons on Ceramic YIG Ferrites, Phys. Rev. B 104, 214433, 2021.
H. Hajian, I.D. Rukhlenko, G. W. Hanson, and E. Ozbay, Hybrid surface plasmon polaritons in graphene coupled anisotropic van der Waals material waveguides, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54, 455102, 2021.
Y. Liang, S. Pakniyat, Y. Xiang, J. Chen, F. Shi, G. W. Hanson, C. Cen, Tunable unidirectional surface plasmon-polaritons at the interface between gyrotropic and isotropic conductors, Optica 8, 952, 2021.
S. Pakniyat, S. Jam, A. Yahaghi, and G. W. Hanson, Reflectionless Plasmonic Right-Angled Waveguide Bend and Divider Using Graphene and Transformation Optics, Optics Express 29, 9589, 2021.
G. W. Hanson, F. Lindel, and S. Y. Buhmann, The Langevin Noise Approach for Lossy Media and the Lossless Limit, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 758-768, 2021.
Y. Liang, S. Pakniyat, Y. Xiang, S. Fan, G. W. Hanson, C. Cen, Temperature-dependent transverse-field magneto-plasmons properties in InSb, Optical Materials 112, 110831, 2021.
A. M. Holmes and G. W. Hanson, Conditions for the Occurrence of Photonic Bandgaps in Two-Dimensional Materials, J. Applied Phys. 129, 015302, 2021.
S. Pakniyat, Y. Liang, Y. Xiang, C. Cen, J. Chen, and G. W. Hanson, Indium Antimonide – constraints on practicality as a magnetoptical platform, J. Applied Phys. 128, 183101, 2020.
G.W. Hanson, Aspects of Quantum Electrodynamics Compared to the Classical Case, IEEE Ant. Propagat. Magazine 62, pp. 16-26, May 2020. Winner of the 2021 Edward E. Altschuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award.
A. M. Holmes, S. Pakniyat, S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, F. Monticone, M. Weinert, and G. W. Hanson, Exchange splitting and exchange-induced nonreciprocal photonic behavior of graphene in CrI3-graphene van der Waals heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B 102, 075435, 2020.
H. Hajian, I.D. Rukhlenko, G. W. Hanson, T. Low, B. Butun, E. Ozbay, Tunable plasmon-phonon polaritons in anisotropic 2D materials on hexagonal boron nitride, Nanophotonics , 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2020-0080.
S. Pakniyat, A.M. Holmes, G.W. Hanson, S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, M. Antezza, M.G. Silveirinha, S. Jam, and F. Monticone, Non-Reciprocal, Robust Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Gyrotropic Interfaces, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 68, 3718, May 2020.
A. B. Yakovlev, M. G. Silveirinha, and G. W. Hanson, Effective Local Permittivity Model for Non-Local Wire Media, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 68, 2926-2936, April 2020.
A. B. Yakovlev, M.G. Silveirinha, G.W. Hanson, and C.S.R. Kaipa, An Equivalent ABCD-Matrix Formalism for Non-Local Wire Media with Arbitrary Terminations, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 68, 1786, March 2020.
M. Sabbaghi, G.W. Hanson, M. Weinert, F. Shi, and C. Cen, Terahertz response of gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) and gadolinium scandium gallium garnet (SGGG), J. Appl. Phys. 127, 025104, 2020.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, G.W. Hanson, M.G. Silveirinha, K. Shastri, M. Antezza, and F. Monticone, Unidirectional and diffractionless surface plasmon polaritons on three-dimensional nonreciprocal plasmonic platforms, Phys. Rev. B 99, 245414, 2019.
G.W. Hanson , S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, M.G. Silveirinha, M. Antezza, and F. Monticone, Non-Markovian transient Casimir-Polder force and population dynamics on excited- and ground-state atoms:Weak- and strong-coupling regimes in generally nonreciprocal environments, Phys. Rev. A 99, 042508, 2019.
G. W. Hanson, A. B. Yakovlev, M. Othman, and F. Capolino, Exceptional Points of Degeneracy and Branch Points for Coupled Transmission Lines - Linear Algebra and Bifurcation Theory Perspectives, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 67, 1025-1034, 2019.
F. Lindel, G. W. Hanson, M. Antezza, and S. Y. Buhmann, Inducing and controlling rotation on small objects using photonic topological materials, Phys. Rev. B 98, 144101, 2018.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, M.G. Silveirinha, G.W. Hanson, M. Antezza, and F. Monticone Optical torque on a two-level system near a strongly nonreciprocal medium, Phys. Rev. B 98, 125146, 2018.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj and G.W. Hanson, Momentum-Space Topological Effects of Nonreciprocity, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., v. 17, DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2018.2851438, 2018.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, G.W. Hanson, M. Antezza, and M.G. Silveirinha Spontaneous lateral atomic recoil force close to a photonic topological material, Phys. Rev. B 97, 201108(R), 2018.
M.G. Silveirinha, S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, G.W. Hanson, and M. Antezza, Fluctuation-induced forces on an atom near a photonic topological material, Phys. Rev. A 97, 022509, 2018.
S. Fuchs, F. Lindel, R. Krems, G. W. Hanson, M. Antezza, and S. Y. Buhmann, Casimir-Lifshitz Force for Nonreciprocal Media and Applications to Photonic Topological Insulators, Phys. Rev. A 96, 062505, 2017.
M. V. Shuba, A. G. Paddubskaya, P. P. Kuzhir, S. A. Maksimenko, G. Valusis, M. Ivanov, J. Banys, V. Ksenevich, and G. W. Hanson, Observation of the microwave near-field enhancement effect in suspensions comprising single-walled carbon nanotubes, Materials Research Express 4, 075033, 2017.
P. Doyeux, S. A. Hassani Gangaraj, G. W. Hanson, and M. Antezza, Giant interatomic energy-transport amplification with nonreciprocal photonic topological insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 173901, 2017.
S. A. Hassani Gangaraj, G. W. Hanson, and M. Antezza, Robust entanglement with 3D nonreciprocal photonic topological insulators, Phys. Rev. A 95, 063807, 2017.
S. A. Hassani Gangaraj, M. G. Silveirinha, and G. W. Hanson, Berry phase, Berry Potential, and Chern Number for Continuum Bianisotropic Material from a Classical Electromagnetics Perspective, IEEE journal on multiscale and multiphysics computational techniques v. 2, pp. 3-17, DOI 10.1109/JMMCT.2017.2654962, 2017.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, T. Low, A. Nemilentsau, and G.W. Hanson, Directive Surface Plasmons on Tunable Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic Metasurfaces and Black Phosphorus: Green's Function and Complex Plane Analysis, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v. 65, pp. 1174-1186, March 2017. See also the correction.
F. Mesa, R. Rodríguez-Berraly, A. Forouzmand, A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, and F. Medina, Excitation of discrete and continuous spectrum in sub-diffraction wire-medium type lenses, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. 64, 5208-5219, Dec., 2016.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, A. Nemilenstau, and G.W. Hanson, The effects of three-dimensional defects on one-way surface plasmon propagation for photonic topological insulators comprised of continuous media, Scientific Reports 6, 30055, doi:10.1038/srep30055, 2016.
A. B. Yakovlev, M. Hedayati, M. G. Silveirinha, and G. W. Hanson, A Local Thickness-Dependent Permittivity Model for Non-Local Bounded Wire-Medium Structures, Phys. Rev. B 94, 155442, 2016.
S.A. Hassani Gangaraj and G.W. Hanson, Topologically protected unidirectional surface states in biased ferrites: duality and application to directional couplers, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., v. 16, pp. 449-452, 2016.
A. Nemilentsau, T. Low, and G.W. Hanson, Anisotropic 2D materials for tunable hyperbolic plasmonics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 , 066804, 2016.
S. Patch, D. Hull, W. See, and G.W. Hanson, Towards quantitative whole organ thermoacoustics with a clinical array plus one very low frequency channel applied to prostate cancer imaging, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control v. 63, pp. 245-255, Feb. 2016.
A. Kumar, A. Nemilentsau, K.H. Fung, G.W. Hanson, N.X. Fang, and T. Low, Chiral plasmon in gapped Dirac systems, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 93, 041413(R), 2016 (Supporting Information)
F. Liang, G.W. Hanson, A.B. Yakovlev, G. Lovat, P. Burghignoli, R. Araneo, and S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, Dyadic Green’s Functions for Dipole Excitation of Homogenized Metasurfaces, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v. 64, pp. 167-178, Jan. 2016.
G. Lovat, R. Araneo, P. Burghignoli, and G.W. Hanson, Nonlocal Effects on Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation in Graphene Nanoribbons, IEEE Trans. THz Tech. v. 5, pp. 941-950, Nov. 2015.
S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, A. Nemilentsau, G.W. Hanson, and S. Hughes, Transient and steady-state entanglement mediated by three-dimensional plasmonic waveguides, Optics Express 23, DOI:10.1364/OE.23.022330, 2015.
G.W. Hanson, S.A. Hassani Gangaraj, C. Lee, D. G. Angelakis, and M. Tame, Quantum plasmonic excitation in graphene and loss-insensitive propagation, Phys. Rev. A 92, 013828 (1-13), 2015.
R. Araneo, P. Burghignoli, G. Lovat, and G.W. Hanson, Modal Propagation and Crosstalk Analysis in Coupled Graphene Nanoribbons , IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., v. 57, pp. 726-733, 2015.
E. Forati, G.W. Hanson, and D. Sievenpiper, An epsilon-near-zero total-internal-reflection metamaterial antenna , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 63, pp. 1909-1916, 2015.
F. Liang, A.B. Yakovlev, and G.W. Hanson, Optimum Surface Plasmon Excitation and Propagation on Conductive Two-Dimensional Materials and Thin Films , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 63, pp. 1765-1774, 2015.
E. Forati, G.W. Hanson, S. Hughes, Graphene as a tunable THz reservoir for shaping the Mollow triplet of an artificial atom via plasmonic effects, Phys. Rev. B 90, 085414 (1-6), 2014.
E. Forati, G.W. Hanson, A.B. Yakovlev,and Andrea Alù, A planar hyperlens based on a modulated graphene monolayer, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 89, 081410(R) 2014. Supplemental Information
E. Forati and G.W. Hanson, On the epsilon near zero condition in spatially dispersive materials, New J. Phys. 15, 123027, 2013.
E. Forati and G.W. Hanson, Surface plasmon polaritons on soft-boundary graphene nanoribbons and their application in switching/demultiplexing, Applied Physics Letters 103, 133104 (1-4), 2013.
E. Forati and G.W. Hanson, Soft-boundary graphene nanoribbon formed by a graphene sheet above a perturbed ground plane: conductivity profile and SPP modal current distribution, J. Opt. 15 (2013) 114006. See also Graphene Nanophotonics Special Issue.
E. Forati and G.W. Hanson, A transport model for homogenized uniaxial wire media: three-dimensional scattering problems and homogenized model limits, Phys. Rev. B 88, 125125 (1-6), 2013.
G.W. Hanson, M.G. Silveirinha, P. Burghignoli, and A.B. Yakovlev, Nonlocal susceptibility of the wire medium in the spatial domain considering material boundaries, New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 083018.
D.E. Fernandes, S.I. Maslovski, G.W. Hanson, and M.G. Silveirinha, Fano resonances in nested wire media, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 045130 (1-11), 2013.
E. Forati and G.W. Hanson, Scattering From Isotropic Connected Wire Medium Metamaterials: Three-, Two-, and One-Dimensional Cases , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 61, pp. 3564-3574, 2013.
G. Lovat, G.W. Hanson, R. Araneo, and P. Burghignoli, Semiclassical spatially dispersive intraband conductivity tensor and quantum capacitance of graphene , Phys. Rev. B, 87, 115429 (1-11), 2013.
Y.R. Padooru, A.B. Yakovlev, C.S.R. Kaipa, G.W. Hanson, F. Medina, and F. Mesa, Dual capacitive-inductive nature of periodic graphene patches: transmission characteristics at low-terahertz frequencies , Phys. Rev. B, 87, 115401 (1-10), 2013.
G.W. Hanson, Modeling of nonlinear, spatially-dispersive plasmas and semiconductors under harmonic excitation , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 61, pp. 779-787, Feb. 2013.
G.W. Hanson, Ebrahim Forati, Whitney Linz, and A.B. Yakovlev, Excitation of THz surface plasmons on graphene surfaces by an elementary dipole and quantum emitter: Strong electrodynamic effect of dielectric support , Phys. Rev. B, 86, 235440 (1-9), 2012.
Y.R. Padooru , A.B. Yakovlev, C.S.R. Kaipa, G.W. Hanson, F. Medina, F. Mesa, and A.W. Glisson, New absorbing boundary conditions and homogenization model for multilayered mushroom-type materials: applications to wideband absorbers , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 60, pp. 5727-5742, Dec. 2012.
D. Li, Y.S. Jung, H.K. Kim, J. Chen, D.A. Geller, M.V. Shuba, S.A. Maksimenko, S. Patch, E. Forati, and G.W. Hanson, The effect of sample holder geometry on electromagnetic heating of nanoparticle and NaCl solutions , IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng., v. 59, pp. 3468-3474, Dec. 2012.
G.W. Hanson, E. Forati, and M.G. Silveirinha, Modeling of spatially-dispersive wire media: transport representation, comparison with natural materials, and additional boundary conditions , IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 60, pp. 4219-4232, Sept. 2012.
C.S.R. Kaipa, A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, Y.R. Padooru, F. Medina, and F. Mesa, Enhanced transmission with a graphene-dielectric micro-structure at low-terahertz, Phys. Rev. B, v. 85, p. 245407 (1-6), 2012.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Modal propagation and interaction in the smooth transition from a metal mushroom structure to a bed-of-nails-type wire medium, J. Appl. Phys., v. 111, p. 074308 (1-8), 2011. DOI: 10.1063/1.3699036 Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics.
M.V. Shuba, G. Ya. Slepyan, S.A. Maksimenko, and G.W. Hanson, RF and microwave electrical response of carbon nanotube saline solutions for potential biomedical applications, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, v. 3, p. 885-888, 2011
G.W. Hanson, A.B. Yakovlev, and A. Mafi, Excitation of discrete and continuous spectrum for a surface conductivity model of graphene, J. Appl. Phys., v. 110, p. 114305 (1-8), 2011. DOI: 10.1063/1.3662883 Copyright 2011 American Institute of Physics.
E. Forati, A.D. Mueller, P. Gandomkar, and G.W. Hanson, A new formulation of Pocklington's equation for thin wires using the exact kernel, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 59, pp. 4355-4360, Nov. 2011.
G.W. Hanson, Steffen McKernan, and Dawei Wang, Analysis of Large Planar Arrays of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., v. 59, pp. 2758-2768, Oct. 2011.
J.A. Berres and G.W. Hanson, Multiwall carbon nanotubes at RF-THz frequencies: scattering, shielding, effective conductivity, and power dissipation, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 59, pp. 3098-3103, Aug. 2011.
G.W. Hanson, R.C. Monreal, and P. Apell, Electromagnetic absorption mechanisms in metal nanospheres: bulk and surface effects in radiofrequency-terahertz heating of nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys., v. 109, p. 124306 (1-6), 2011. DOI: 10.1063/1.3600222 Copyright 2011 American Institute of Physics.
J. Zhao, D. Nevers, K. Sobolev, and G.W. Hanson, Investigation of strain-sensing materials based on EM surface wave propagation for steel bridge health monitoring, Construction & Building Materials, v. 25, pp. 3024-3029, March 2011.
A.B. Yakovlev, Y.R. Padooru, G.W. Hanson, A. Mafi, S. Karbasi, A generalized additional boundary condition for mushroom-type and bed-of-nails-type wire media, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, v. 59, pp. 527-532, March 2011.
G.W. Hanson, A common electromagnetic framework for carbon nanotubes and solid nanowires - spatially-dispersive conductivity, generalized Ohm's law, distributed impedance, and transmission line model, , IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., v. 59, pp. 9-20, January 2011.
G.W. Hanson, Drift-Diffusion: A Model for Teaching Spatial Dispersion Concepts and the Importance of Screening in Nanoscale Structures, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, v. 52, pp. 198-207, Oct. 2010.
Mikhail V. Shuba, Gregory Ya. Slepyan, Sergey A. Maksimenko, and George W. Hanson, Radiofrequency Field Absorption by Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in a Conductive Host , Journal of Applied Physics, v. 108, p. 114302 (1-10), 2010. DOI: 10.1063/1.3516480. Copyright 2010 American Institute of Physics. Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
S. Paulotto, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, G. Lovat, G.W. Hanson, and A.B. Yakovlev, Homogenized Green's Functions for an Aperiodic Line Source over Planar Densely-Periodic Artificial Impedance Surfaces, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, v. 58, pp. 1807-1817, July 2010.
G.W. Hanson and S.K. Patch, Optimum Electromagnetic Heating of Nanoparticle Thermal Contrast Agents at RF Frequencies, , J. Appl. Phys., v. 106, pp. 054309 (1-10), September 2009. DOI: 10.1063/1.3204653. Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics. Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
L. Yan and G.W. Hanson, Propagation Mechanisms for Intra-Chip Communications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 57, pp. 2715-2724, Sept. 2009.
D. Fallon, L. Yan, G.W. Hanson, S.K. Patch, RF Testbed for Thermoacoustic Tomography, Rev. Sci. Inst., v. 80, pp. 064310 (1-9), 2009. DOI: 10.1063/1.3133802 Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics.
Giampiero Lovat, Paolo Burghignoli, Alexander B. Yakovlev, and George W. Hanson, Modal Interactions in Resonant Metamaterial Slabs with Losses, Metamaterials, v. 2, pp. 198-205, Dec. 2008. (doi:10.1016/j.metmat.2008.09.002).
G.W. Hanson, Quasi-TEM Modes Supported by a Graphene Parallel-Plate Waveguide, J. Appl. Phys., v. 104, pp. 084314 (1-5), November 2008. DOI: 10.1063/1.3005881 Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics.
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Green’s functions and guided surface waves for a surface conductivity model of graphene, J. Appl. Phys., v. 103, pp. 064302 (1-7), 2008. DOI: 10.1063/1.2891452 Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics.
G.W. Hanson, Radiation Efficiency of Nanoradius Dipole Antennas in the Microwave and Far-Infrared Regime, IEEE Antennas Propagat Magazine, v. 50, pp. 66-77, June 2008.
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Green's Functions for an Anisotropic, Non-Local Model of Biased Graphene, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 56, pp. 747-757, Mar., 2008.
G.W. Hanson and P. Smith, Modeling the Optical Interaction Between a Carbon Nanotube and a Plasmon Resonant Sphere, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 55, pp. 3063-3069, Nov. 2007. (special issue on Optical and THz Antenna technology)
J. Hao and G.W. Hanson, Optical Scattering from Planar Arrays of Finite-Length Metallic Carbon Nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B, v. 75, p. 165416 (1-7), 2007. Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
G.W. Hanson, On the Applicability of the Surface Impedance Integral Equation for Optical and Near Infrared Dipoles, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 54, pp. 3677-3685, Dec. 2006.
J. Hao and G.W. Hanson, Infrared and Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Dipole Antennas, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology., v. 5, pp. 766-775, Nov. 2006.
J.Hao and G.W. Hanson, Electromagnetic Scattering from Finite-Length Metallic Carbon Nanotubes in the Lower IR Bands, Phys. Rev. B, v. 74, p. 035119 (1-6), 2006. Selected for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
G.W. Hanson, Current on an Infinitely-Long Carbon Nanotube Antenna Excited by a Gap Generator, v. 54, pp. 76-81, Jan. 2006.
G.W. Hanson, Fundamental Transmitting Properties of Carbon Nanotube Antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 53, pp. 3426-3435, Nov. 2005. Winner of the 2006 IEEE Sergei Schelkunoff Prize Paper award.
E.M. Kartchevski, A.I. Nosich, and G.W. Hanson, Mathematical Analysis of the Generalized Natural Modes of an Inhomogeneous Optical Fiber, Siam Journal of Applied Mathematics, v. 65, n. 6, pp. 2033-2048, 2005.
G.W. Hanson, A.B. Yakovlev, and W. Elliott Hutchcraft, Leaky Wave Excitation on Three-Dimensional Via-Fed Printed Interconnects, Radio Science, v. 40, RS6S08, doi:10.1029/2004RS003168, 2005.
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Green’s Function for Planar Media – A Dyadic Eigenfunction Approach, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 52, pp. 3350-3356, Dec. 2004.
I.A. Eshrah, A.B. Yakovlev, A.A. Kishk, A.W. Glisson, and G.W. Hanson, The TE00 WaveGuide Mode - The "Complete" Story , IEEE Antennas Propagat Magazine, v. 46, pp. 33-41, Oct. 2004.
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Eigenfunctions and Natural Modes for Hybrid Waves in Planar Media, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 52, pp. 941-947, April 2004.
G. Grewal and G.W. Hanson, Optically-Controlled Solid State Plasma Leaky-Wave Antenna, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., v. 39, pp. 450-453, Dec. 20, 2003.
G.W. Hanson, A.I. Nosich , and E.M. Kartchevski, Green’s Function Expansions in Dyadic Root Functions for Shielded Layered Waveguide Problems Obtained Via Residue Theory, Progress in Electromagnetics Research , PIER 39, pp. 61-91, 2003.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Fundamental Modal Phenomena on Isotropic and Anisotropic Planar Slab Dielectric Waveguides, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., v. 51, pp. 888-897, April 2003.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Fundamental Wave Phenomena on Biased Ferrite Planar Slab Waveguides in Connection with Singularity Theory, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., v. 51, n. 2, pp. 583-587, Feb. 2003.
G.W. Hanson, A.B. Yakovlev, and J. Hao, Leaky-Wave Analysis of Transient Fields Due to Sources in Planarly-Layered Media, IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., v. 51, pp. 146-159, Feb. 2003.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Leaky-Wave Dispersion Behavior on a Grounded Ferrite Slab Waveguide, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v. 12, pp. 398-400, Oct. 2002.
K.A. Walters and G.W. Hanson,Resonant Frequency Calculation for Inhomogeneous Dielectric Resonators Using Volume Integral Equations and Face-Centered Node Points, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v. 32, no. 5, pp. 356-359, March 5, 2002.
S.L. Lin and G.W. Hanson, Efficient Analysis of Dielectric Resonators Immersed in Inhomogeneous Media, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., v. 48, pp. 84-92, Jan. 2000.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Mode Transformation and Mode Continuation Regimes on Waveguiding Structures, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., v. 48, pp. 67-75, Jan. 2000.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Investigation of Mode Interaction on Planar Dielectric Waveguides with Loss and Gain, Radio Science, v. 34, pp. 1349-1359, Nov.-Dec. 1999.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Asymptotic Analysis of the Natural System Modes of Coupled Bodies in the Large Separation, Low-Frequency Regime, IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., v. 47, n. 1, pp. 101-111, Jan. 1999.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Perturbation formula for the Natural Frequencies of an Object in the Presence of a Layered Medium, Electromagnetics, v. 18, n. 4, pp. 333-351, 1998.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, An Analysis of Leaky-Wave Dispersion Phenomena in the Vicinity of Cutoff Using Complex Frequency Plane Singularities, Radio Science, v. 33, no. 4, pp. 803-820, July-Aug. 1998.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Analysis of Mode Coupling on Printed Transmission Lines Using Morse Critical Points, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46, July 1998.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, On the Nature of Critical Points in Leakage Regimes of a Conductor-Backed Coplanar Strip Line, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 45, Jan 1997.
G.W. Hanson, Complex Media Microstrip Ridge Structures: Formulation and Basic Characteristics of Ferrite Structures, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, pp. 1563- 1568, Sept. 1996.
B. Ray and G.W. Hanson, Some Effects of Anisotropy on Planar Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides, J. Lightwave Tech., vol. 14, pp. 202-208, Feb. 1996.
G.W. Hanson, A Numerical Formulation of Dyadic Green's Functions for Planar Bianisotropic Media with Application to Printed Transmission Lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, pp. 144-151, Jan. 1996.
G.W. Hanson, Propagation Characteristics of a Microstrip Transmission Line on an Anisotropic Material Ridge, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 43, pp. 2608-2613, Nov. 1995.
G.W. Hanson, Integral Equation Formulation for Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media Green's Dyad with Application to Microstrip Transmission Line Propagation and Leakage, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 43, pp. 1359-1363, June. 1995.
G.W. Hanson, An SEM Analysis of the Voltage Induced Upon a Printed Strip Antenna by a Transient Plane Wave, IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., vol. 41, pp. 1742-1746, Dec. 1993.
G.W. Hanson and D.P. Nyquist, The RCS of a Microstrip Dipole Deduced from an Expansion of Pole-Singularities, IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., vol. 41, pp. 376-379, March 1993.
G.W. Hanson, M.J. Grimm, and D.P. Nyquist, An Improved De-Embedding Technique for the Measurement of the Complex Constitutive Parameters of Materials Using a Stripline Field Applicator, IEEE Trans. Inst. Meas., vol. 42, pp. 740-745, June 1993.
G.W. Hanson and D.P. Nyquist, Full-Wave Perturbation Theory for the Analysis of Coupled Microstrip Resonant Structures, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 40, pp. 1174-1779, Sept. 1992.
A.B. Yakovlev, M.G. Silveirinha, S.I. Maslovski, C.S.R. Kaipa, P.A. Belov, G.W. Hanson, O. Luukkonen, I.S. Nefedov, C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, Y.R. Padooru, Review of recent progress on the homogenization theory and applications of wire media, Metamaterials 2012: The Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–22 September 2012
G.W. Hanson, Electromagnetic modeling of nonlinear, spatially-dispersive materials, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8–14, 2012.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Excitation of discrete and continuous spectrum of graphene, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8 –14, 2012.
C.S.R. Kaipa, A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, Y.R. Padooru, F. Medina, and F. Mesa, Low-Terahertz Transmissivity and Broadband Planar Filters using Graphene-Dielectric Stack, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8 – 14, 2012.
Y.R. Padooru, A.B. Yakovlev, C.S.R. Kaipa, G.W. Hanson, , F. Medina, F. Mesa, and A.W. Glisson, Generalized Additional Boundary Conditions and Analytical Model for Multilayered Mushroom-Type Wideband Absorbers, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8– 14, 2012.
G.W. Hanson and E.F. Forati, Scattering problems involving three-dimensional non-local wire metamaterials based on a transport, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8-14, 2012.
M.G. Silveirinha, S.I. Maslovski, C.S.R. Kaipa, A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, O. Luukkonen, I.S. Nefedov, C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, and Y.R. Padooru, Recent Advances in the Homogenization Theory of Wire Media with Applications at Microwaves, THz, and Optical Frequencies, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 8-14, 2012.
C.S.R. Kaipa, A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, Y.R. Padooru, F. Medina, and F. Mesa, Low-Terahertz Transmissivity with a Graphene-Dielectric Micro-Structure, IMS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 2012.
Y.R. Padooru , A.B. Yakovlev, C.S.R. Kaipa, G.W. Hanson, F. Medina, F. Mesa, and A.W. Glisson, Absorbing Boundary Conditions and the Homogenization Model for Multilayered Wire Media, Nat. Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4-7, 2012.
E. Forati, G.W. Hanson, T. Shen, and T. Wong, Drift-diffusion model for the analysis of non-local plasmas and metamaterials, Nat. Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4-7, 2012.
M.V. Shuba, G.Y. Slepyan, S.A. Maksimenko, G.W. Hanson, Finite size effects in RF and microwave response of carbon nanotube saline solutions: toward the malignant cells thermolysis, Nanobiophisics: fundamental and applied aspects , Kiev, Ukraine, Oct. 6-9, 2011.
S.A. Maksimenko, M.V. Shuba, G.Y. Slepyan, G.W. Hanson, Potentiality of carbon nanotubes for the cancer cells thermolysis in the RF exposing field, NATO Science for Peace and Security Program Advanced Research Workshop, Riga, Latvia, June 20 – 23, 2011.
A. B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Modal Interactions in Mushroom-Type Metamaterials with Thin Metal/Graphene Patches, METAMATERIALS 2011, Barcelona, Spain. October 10-15, 2011.
A. B. Yakovlev, G. W. Hanson, A. Mafi, Y. R. Padooru, S. Karbasi, Modal Propagation on Thin Metal Mushroom-Type Surfaces in the Transition to Bed-of-Nails-Type Wire Media, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July 3-8, 2011.
A. Mashal, M.V. Shuba, G.Ya. Slepyan, S.A. Maksimenko, G.W. Hanson, J.H. Booske, and S.C. Hagness, Microwave Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes in Lossy Media: Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July 3-8, 2011.
S.A. Maksimenko, M.V. Shuba, G.Y. Slepyan, G.W. Hanson, Potentiality of carbon nanotubes as a thermal agent for the cancer cells distruction in the RF exposing field, International Workshop Nanoscience and Nanotechnology N&N10, INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, September 20 – 23, 2010, Frascati, Italy.
M.V. Shuba, G.Y. Slepyan, S.A. Maksimenko, and G.W. Hanson, Application of Carbon Nanotube for Absorption Enhancement in Conductive Media in the Radiofrequency Range, Ukrainian-German Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures and on Nanobiotechnology, Beregove, Crimea, Ukraine 6th - 10th September, 2010.
M.V. Shuba, S.A. Maksimenko, G.Y. Slepyan, and G.W. Hanson, Absorption Cross-Section of Coated Finite-Length Carbon Nanotubes in the RF Range, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 11-17, 2010.
A. B. Yakovlev, Y. R. Padooru, S. Karbasi, G. W. Hanson, and A. Mafi, Nonlocal Homogenization Model for the Analysis of Absorbing Properties of Mushroom Structures with Graphene Patches at Microwaves, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 11-17, 2010.
G.W. Hanson, Electromagnetic Model and Capacitance Analysis of Large Planar Arrays of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 11-17, 2010.
D. Byrd, G.W. Hanson and S.K. Patch, Carbon Nanotubes for Thermoacoustic Contrast Enhancement – Preliminary Results, Proc. SPIE, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2010.
A.B. Yakovlev, G.W. Hanson, and A. Mafi, High-impedance surfaces with graphene patches as absorbing structures at microwaves, Meta’09, Aug. 30-4 Sept., 2009, London, United Kingdom.
L. Yan and G.W. Hanson, Wave Propagation Channels for Intra-Chip Wireless Communication Systems, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, North Charleston, South Carolina, June 2009.
P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, G.W. Hanson, G. Lovat, S. Paulotto, A.B. Yakovlev, Green's Functions for High-Impedance Surfaces: a Comparison Between Homogenized Models and Full-Wave Results, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, North Charleston, South Carolina, June 2009.
D. Fallon, L. Yan, G.W Hanson, S.K Patch, RF testbed for thermoacoustic tomography, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7177, 71771U (2009); DOI:10.1117/12.809183
G.W. Hanson, R. Li, D. Wang, J. Huang, Z. Yu, S. McKernan, C. Rutherglen, P.J. Burke, and D. McCarthy, Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotube Antennas - Computational Challenges, AMTA, Boston, MA, Nov. 2008.
A.B. Yakovlev, G. Lovat, P. Burghignoli, G.W. Hanson, Modal Interactions in Lossy Dielectric Metamaterial Slabs, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
G.W. Hanson, Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena in Graphene Mesostructures, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
A.B. Yakovlev, C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, O. Luukkonen, G.W. Hanson, S. Paulotto, and P. Baccarelli, Analytical Modeling of Surface Waves on High Impedance Surfaces, Meta’08, pp. 184-193, May 7-10, 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco.
A.B. Yakovlev, C.R. Simovski, S.A. Tretyakov, G.W. Hanson, Accurate and Rapid Analysis of High Impedance Surfaces: Plane-Wave and Surface-Wave Analytical Models, The 24th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES 2008), March 30 – April 4, 2008, Hilton Fallsview, Niagara Falls, Canada.
H.A. Olanigan, A.B. Yakovlev, G. Lovat, P. Burghignoli, and G.W. Hanson, Modal Characterization of Lossy Metamaterial Slab Waveguides, EuCap 2007.
D. Wang, Z. Yu, S. McKernan, C. Rutherglen, P. Burke, G.W. Hanson, Carbon Nanotube Antennas, 2007 Nanoelectronic Devices for Defense & Security (NANO-DDS) Conference, June 18, 2007
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Green's Functions and Guided Surface Waves on Graphene, URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, July 2007. (special session co-organizer/co-chair)
G.W. Hanson, A Model for the Optical Interaction Between a Carbon Nanotube and a Plasmon Resonant Sphere, URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, July 2007. (invited paper)
A. B. Yakovlev and G. W. Hanson, Frequency-Plane Branch-Point Singularities in the Analysis of Modal Interactions on Guided-Wave Structures, 2006 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Kharkov, Ukraine. (Yakovlev is an invited Plenary Speaker)
J. Hao and G.W. Hanson, Carbon Nanotube Dipoles: Infrared and Optical Antenna Properties, Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Miami, FL, March 2006.
G.W. Hanson, Fundamental Transmitting Properties of Carbon Nanotube Antennas, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Washington, D.C. July 2005.
G.W. Hanson, Fundamental Properties of Carbon Nanotube Receiving Antennas, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Washington, D.C. July 2005.
H. Gerhards, B. Oswald, K. Roth, and G. Hanson, Green’s Function Approach to Analyze Ground-Penetrating Radar, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2005.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Leaky Wave Excitation on Three-Dimensional Printed Interconnects, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Fort Worth, Texas, pp. 499-502, June 2004.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Leaky Wave Excitation on Three-Dimensional Printed Interconnects, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Pisa, Italy, pp. 153-155, May 2004. (invited paper)
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Leaky Wave Excitation on Three-Dimensional Printed Interconnects, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 551, October 2003. (session organizer/chair)
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Leaky Wave Effects on Source Driven/Terminated Three-Dimensional Interconnects, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, p. 225, June 2003.
G.W. Hanson, Dyadic Eigenfunctions and Natural Modes for Hybrid Waves in Planar Media, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, p. 562, June 2003.
E. Kartchevski and G.W. Hanson, Mathematical Analysis of the Guided Modes of Integrated Optical Guides, Waves 2003, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2003.
Kartchevski and G.W. Hanson, Mathematical Analysis of the Guided Modes of an Integrated Optical Guide, 2002 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 230-232, Sept. 2002.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Regularization Techniques for Printed Transmission Lines, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, p. 350, June 2002.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Novel Wave Effects on Anisotropic and Ferrite Planar Slab Waveguides in Connection with Singularity Theory, IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, WA, June 2002.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Wave Phenomena on Ferrite Planar Slab Waveguides Using Singularity Theory, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA, July 2002. (session organizer/chair)
G.W. Hanson and A.I. Nosich, Generalized Eigenfunction Expansions in the Presence of Modal Degeneracies, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA, July 2002. (invited paper)
G.W. Hanson, Integral Operators in Electromagnetics, 2001 SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, July 2001 (invited paper).
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Mode Coupling and Cutoff Behavior in Planar Anisotropic Dielectric Waveguides, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, p. 274, July 2001.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Applications of Singular and Critical Point Theory to the Analysis and Interpretation of Transform and Time-Domain Guided-Wave Electromagnetics , 2000 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory , Kharkov, Ukraine, Sept. 2000, pp. 54-60 (invited plenary speaker).
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Investigation of Mode Interaction on Planar Dielectric Waveguides with Loss or Gain Using Complex-Plane Singularities of the Dispersion Function, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Orlando, Florida, p. 34, July 1999.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Transient response of layered-media open waveguides using proper and leaky modes, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA, July 2000. (session organizer/chair)
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Mode Transformation and Mode Continuation Regimes on Guided-Wave Structures, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Orlando, Florida, pp. 294-297, July 1999.
G.W. Hanson and S.L. Lin, Computation of Complex Resonant Frequencies of Dielectric Resonators Using a Volumetric Electric Field Integral Equation Formulation, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, vol. 1, pp. 294-297, June 1998.
G. Hanson, An Analysis of Modal Coupling on Waveguiding Structures From the Theory of Universal Unfoldings, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 161, June 1998.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Perturbation Formula for the Complex Natural Frequencies of an Object in the Presence of a Layered Medium from an Integral Equation Formulation, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 103, June 1998.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, An Analysis of Modal Coupling and Cutoff Properties of Open and Closed-Boundary Waveguides Using Singularity Theory, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Nantes, France, July 1998. (invited paper)
G.W. Hanson, SEM Formulation for a Dielectric Object Embedded in a Layered Medium: General Considerations and Specialization to a Low Wave-Impedance Surround, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, July 1997. (invited paper)
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Mode Leakage and Coupling on Integrated Transmission Line Circuits: A Geometric View, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, p. 404, July 1997. (invited paper)
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Analysis of Mode Coupling on Printed Transmission Lines Using Morse Critical Points, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1748-1751, July 1997.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, New Explanation of the Leaky Mode Phenomena in a Coplanar Strip Line, 1996 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chiba, Japan, pp. 277-280, Sept. 1996. (Young Scientist Award to A.B.Y.)
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Suppression of Leakage in Printed Transmission Lines Using Finite-Width Dielectric Loading, 1996 WRI International Symposium on Directions for the Next Generation of MMIC Devices and Systems, Farmingdale, New York, Sept. 1996. Appears in "Directions for the Next Generation of MMIC Devices and Systems," Edited by N.K. Das and H.L. Bertoni, Plenum Press, pp. 323-330, 1997.
G.W. Hanson, Full-Wave Simulation of Coupled Ferrite Microstrip Ridge Structures, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 1980- 1983, July 1996.
G.W. Hanson and A.B. Yakovlev, Analysis of the Mode Coupling Phenomena in Multilayer Waveguiding Structures, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 314-317, July 1996.
A.B. Yakovlev and G.W. Hanson, Rigorous Mathematical Simulation of Microstrip-Like Lines, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 1976-1979, July 1996.
G.W. Hanson and B. Ray, Propagation Characteristics of Guided Surface-Wave Modes on Grounded Slabs with Anisotropic Chirality, Chiral '95, Pennsylvania State University, pp. 127- 130, Oct. 1995.
G.W. Hanson, Propagation and Scattering Characteristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines on Magnetic/Dielectric Anisotropic Ridges, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, University of Seattle, Seattle, WA, digest p. 954, July 1995. (invited paper)
G.W. Hanson, Integral Equation Formulation for Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media Green's Dyad, Nat. Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, p. 136, Jan. 1995.
G.W. Hanson, Propagation and Scattering Characteristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines on Anisotropic Dielectric Ridges, Nat. Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, p. 138, Jan. 1995.
S. Chidambaram and G. Hanson, Determining The Permittivity of Printed Circuit Board Substrates Using A Quasi-Analytical Microstrip Model, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, p. 179, June 1993.
G.W. Hanson, RCS of Broadband Gap-Coupled Microstrip Antennas, IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 1454-1457, June 1993.
G.W. Hanson, Steady-State Scattering from Microstrip Dipole and Patch Antennas Evaluated by the Singularity Expansion Method, IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Chicago, IL, pp. 2235-2238, July 1992.
G.W. Hanson, D.P. Nyquist, B. Kzadri, J. Grimm, M. Thorland, and L. Frasch, Electromagnetic Characterization of Materials Using Stripline/Microstrip Field Applicator, Nat. Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, p. 279, Jan. 1992.
G.W. Hanson and D.P. Nyquist, Perturbation Formulation for Nearly-degenerate Microstrip Dipole Eigenmodes, IEEE AP-S International Symposium, London, Ontario, Canada, pp. 80-83, June 1991.
G.W. Hanson and D.P. Nyquist, Coupling of Impressed Radiation to Resonant Microstrip Dipole Currents Deduced from a Hallen-Type Integral Equation, IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Dallas, TX, pp. 652-655, May 1990.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Perturbation formula for the Natural Frequencies of an Object in the Presence of a Layered Medium, Interaction Note 532 (Phillips Laboratory Note Series, Kirtland AFB), Sept. 1997.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Asymptotic Analysis of the Natural System Modes of Coupled Bodies in the Large Separation, Low-Frequency Regime, Interaction Note 528 (Phillips Laboratory Note Series, Kirtland AFB), Aug. 1997.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, A Volumetric Eigenmode Expansion Method for Dielectric Bodies, Interaction Note 517 (Phillips Laboratory Note Series, Kirtland AFB), Aug. 1996.
G.W. Hanson and C.E. Baum, Perturbation Formula for the Internal Resonances of a Dielectric Object Embedded in a Low-Impedance Medium, Interaction Note 520 (Phillips Laboratory Note Series, Kirtland AFB), Aug. 1996.